Lessons from people who love their jobs

27 November 2013 | By Marlee Kostiner | News.com.au

IF you’re reading this drowning in a sea of spreadsheets, batting away a sadistic boss and wondering why you’re paid a pittance for the privilege, try suspending disbelief for a minute.

There are people out there who truly love their jobs. Passionate about their professions. Motivated by Monday mornings. Honestly. We have proof.

Reddit is an amazing place to get answers and inspiration from people’s real life experiences. InĀ this thread, Redditors post about why they love their chosen profession.

We scoured through the list, picked our favourites and divided our findings into five categories to make it easy to get inspired based on what you’re looking for in a dream job. Here are our five categories: if you love working with people, if you love to travel, if you’re looking for a medical alternative, if you like working with your hands or outdoors and if you’d like to find a desk job that doesn’t bore you to tears.